These days, search engine optimization is absolutely essential. Most search engine users will click on a link on the first search engine results page. The higher you link in the search results, the more visibility and traffic your website garners. To master the basics of SEO, be sure to check out the following tips and tricks.


Choose keywords wisely.

Just because you think a particular keyword will be good for your SEO strategy doesn’t mean that it actually will be. The trick here is research, and lots of it. Google Adwords is an especially advantageous tool when it comes to choosing keywords, providing incredibly valuable analytics.


Get familiar with Google’s ranking algorithm.

Google uses an astounding two hundred factors to rank websites. This number is constantly growing as algorithms evolve and adapt to new trends. There is no way that you will ever have a handle on every single one of these ranking factors but you do need to have in-depth knowledge of the basics: l


Link features:

Two things matter here: domain-level link authority and page level link features.  Domain-level link authority refers to the quantity of links to the domain, as well as the quality of these links (whether or not they are from trustworthy, reputable sources). Page-level link factors refer to text distributions, quantity of links, and quality of link sources. The take away here is that you want to have high quality links from a variety of reputable sources.


Content features:

Raw keyword usage is important but it isn’t the only thing that matters. In fact, if you’re engaging in keyword stuffing it is likely going to hurt your ratings. Google is now judging content quality, taking into consideration factors like length and relevance. Therefore, high-quality, informative, well-written content is crucial here.


Domain level brand features:

Google examines the frequency with which a domain appears across the web. In other words, the more visible your brand and website is across the web the better you will rank. You want other websites and blogs linking to, or at least mentioning, your website.


Social metrics:

Regularly posting to social media sites can actually boost your rankings. While it isn’t as important as other factors, every little bit helps.


Don’t forget about Local SEO.

Local SEO is becoming increasingly relevant in the world of SEO. An astounding 20% of Google searches contain some kind of reference to locality, such as state, city, county, street name, etc. Google policies are adapting in response to this notable shift. Most notably, with the Penguin Updates Google integrated numerous local sites into organic search results. This is a highly advantageous move for local businesses, making it much easier for them to rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). The bottom line? Don’t neglect your local SEO strategy. Work to localize both keywords and content. You will also want to develop local citations by listing your business in business directories such as the Google Places listings.

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