You are the best solution to our problem as a lawyer by thanking you for your teaching in the rule of law, students are supposed to quote their authorities. Authorities here can be cases, statutes, sayings of judges, articles related to the subject in question. It is very important that you quote the authorities, because that is what supports the rule of law and the legal principles in this case. Thank you for your explanation, but I would like to ask a question, if the question has several problems, you must emphasize in your answers that you use irass, that is, problem: specify the rule of the problem: specify the rule, etc. or you always answer the question with IRAC, but in the form of an essay Thank you, Sir, I misunderstood the law, but with this information I am able to answer legal questions Hi Olamide, thank you very much for that. My question is: Is there a way to know how many problems are contained in a problematic question? Sir, you must define all the elements of a contract when you receive a contract law question One of the key pieces of information that has never been skipped in all the tutorials I have read to answer the question of the legal problem is the citation from the authorities. You should always use RAIC for each number. But it depends on the nature of the question. In most cases, you do. So there you have it, how to answer the problematic questions with RAIC. If you know your way, it`s pretty easy. If there are areas that are not clear to you, you can leave a comment.

Also, don`t forget to share this message with your friends who might need it. You can easily do this using the on-screen share buttons. To your success !! That is where you apply the rule of law to the issues you raise. In this way, you apply the rule of law to the real story of the problematic question before you. In the application, you must select the authorities and legal standards that affect the issues raised and apply them effectively to the issue. The importance of accurately identifying the problem is that your answer is reduced to the heart of the question. Please, how can I get to know different cases that might be related to a specific problem issue. Learning the M is difficult. I NEED HELP!!! Hello Mr. Olanrewaju, the guide to answer our legal questions is very beneficial for me because I don`t even know how to answer because my reading gave me the AIPAC formula and looking to the future is quite similar to IPAC and I think this guide is really good and I can be sure that I can solve the answer.

Thank you, sir. In this article, I will explain how legal essay issues can be addressed for the benefit of students. However, what I will discuss is the general rule, which depends on what your tutor or lecturer may ask you. I greatly appreciate your efforts to help law students resolve contentious legal issues. Now, my question is this scenario or another where there are exceptions, so what is the best possible way to answer the question? Thank you very much for that. My question is: do definitions of terms generally have to be forumla b of the legal dictionary? Thank you, sir. I think I will now be able to answer a problematic question. Impressive.

Dear Sir, You have certainly explained the RAIC better than my speakers. Thank you very much. However, I have a question. Is it possible to get this document in a PDF that I can download? So here`s your statement on the RAIC? How to answer legal questions: Over the years, law schools and law schools have developed two methods for asking test or exam questions. These are the models of problems and test questions. Basically, these two ways of asking questions require completely different ways of answering them, which are different from the traditional ways of answering questions in primary, secondary and tertiary schools. Legal problem solving is a common format of legal evaluation. It involves reading a factual scenario (“the problem”) and explaining the possible legal outcomes of the problems in the factual scenario.

Legal problem solving is an essential skill for the study and practice of law. To do this, you must: Please, how do you answer this question using the RAIC method? “Emeka, cashier of the Omenka Cooperative Society, defrauded the company with a huge sum of money. Emeka, who was on her first offence, immediately offered the money to the police station and asked for forgiveness. The prosecutor, moved by Emeka`s remorse, advised the company`s president, who had come to report the case, to drop the charges. However, the president insisted that the prosecutor`s office had stated that the stolen money belonged to the company and that the executive committee had decided to take the case to a logical conclusion. Advise the parties. Which rule applies and what is the problem? I can`t understand If you want to determine the problem in a problematic question, you have to look for the conflict zone. Conflict within a problem is when the interests of the characters collide and there is disagreement. Looking at the scenario above, I focused on the area of conflict: there are a few things you should keep in mind in the structure of the topic. Note that it uses “if or not”, you can use this expression or “if” when writing output. Indeed, in court proceedings, problems are usually formulated in the form of questions. However, there are speakers who do not want problems to be framed that way, and they will let you know.

Use the following RAIC structure as a guide to answer the case study questions. As you may know, legal issues are not the same as essay questions. Problematic questions are legal issues that tell live stories about the relationship between people and then require you to identify the legal issues from those interactions, address the issues with the relevant authorities, and then advise the parties on their various rights using the RAIC method. Thank you, sir. I need a quick guide on how to answer this question, whether or not a toddler can make a contract. Sir, I understand and am aware of your teaching on how to use the RAIC to solve a problem. But my challenge is how to distinguish between problematic questions and essay, please I need your help urgently.?????? Thank you, sir. Due to the patronage of the free SHS policy introduced in Ghana during the 2018/2019 school year, Esi yaa had the following agreement with her brother, who teaches Madina Boys SHS, regarding her son.

Esi yaa`s son, kwasi Adu, takes his final exam at Madina Boys SHS. Esi Yaa`s brother, Kojo Bright, is Adu`s economics teacher. At the beginning of Kwasi Adus last year, Esi Yaa told her brother that she would buy him a laptop if her son got an A` in economics. When the results came in, Kwasi Adu had an A in economics, Bright now asks Esi to buy the laptop as promised. Determine if Esi Yaa`s agreement with Kojo Bright is legally enforceable. How can I answer this question? It is not a problematic issue, simply because there is no conflict between the two parties. That is the question you need to ask yourself; This is also the question you need to answer. A legal rule on vicarious liability is, for example, that “a master is liable for the acts of his servant, even if expressly prohibited, as long as the servant has acted within the scope of his employment”. Your conclusion is the part where you give advice to the party who asked you the question.

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