Scams are an unfortunate aspect of the world we live in. While it`s now easy to make purchases at the click of a mouse, there`s also an increased risk that your personal data could be exploited by unscrupulous companies. A business may seem real, but in reality, it could turn out to be a scam. Fortunately, there are a few things that can set off a red flag and help you leak sensitive personal information to undeserving scammers. To form a business entity such as a corporation, limited liability company, or non-profit corporation, you must file incorporation documents with your state. As a company founded in 1912, the Better Business Bureau is a renowned non-profit organization that began with the motive of promoting trust-based marketing. If you are looking for information about a specific company, all you have to do is enter the company name and read all the relevant information. It is primarily a review site, but in addition to the review, individuals can express opinions and provide information if they are aware of any scams or illegal activities involving the company. However, it is important to note that if a company is not listed in the Better Business Bureau, it does not mean that the company or business is a red flag. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission, the SEC has its own corporate registration search that focuses specifically on foreign and domestic publicly traded companies that have done business in the United States.

The search engine is called EDGAR. Check the references. Sometimes companies provide references/reviews on their websites. If so, ask for a phone number and call the person or company or send an email with the reference. Or ask for references, including phone numbers and email addresses. If the company does not have references or refuses to provide any, choose another company. The world of technology and business always holds surprises: author Tyler Lacoma reports on the most important changes and what to expect from the future. He also works in DIY, games and fiction. You can also try an online directory for a quick national search. A business is less likely to be registered nationally unless they have a specific reason to do so, but it can still be worth a try.

You can visit sites like National Corporation Directory – these don`t guarantee the accuracy of their results, but they`re great for a quick preliminary search. Note that if you are looking for a specific registration for certification or accreditation, you should start with the organization providing the certification, i.e. The National Roofing Contractors Association, etc. This means that you cannot choose a name that is identical to the name of another division or that differs only because of an “s” at the end or a different business entity identifier. For example, you probably can`t start a business called “Festive Party Supplies, Inc.” if there is already a “Festive Party Supply, LLC” in your state. A company that has registered a DBA may have common law trademark rights to the company name, and it may have established a high level of local awareness that could make it difficult to market your business. If you don`t want to use your home address as your business address, you have other options to explore. “Is my business name taken?” is an important question for new business owners before starting a business unit or spending money on marketing. Taking the time to do a proper name search can save you a lot of trouble, time, and money down the road. Just because there isn`t a business entity with the same name in your state doesn`t mean there aren`t local businesses with the same name. Corporations, LLCs, sole proprietors and partnerships can all operate under fictitious trade names, or “DBAs”.

Also, a more comprehensive company name search can identify other companies that can use the name you chose and have trademark rights to the name. This additional research will help you minimize the likelihood of another business owner charging you with trademark infringement and asking you to stop using the name after you`ve already spent time and money marketing it. Use due diligence firms like Glo-Bis to provide information about any business in the world, including balance sheet information, profit and loss accounts, and process records. The fee starts at about $265. It`s worth taking the time and effort to choose the right name for your business. This list will help you find the best name for your business. By reviewing the names of available companies before submitting your documents, you avoid having your application to incorporate rejected due to name issues. If you find a business with a similar name, it`s a good idea to check your state`s specific naming requirements to see if similarity prevents you from using the name you want. There is no legitimate business that does not have its own legal website.

If, after surfing the Internet, you can find the company`s legal website, it is mandatory to carefully read all the terms and conditions to find out if there are any loopholes or clauses that look suspicious. Very often, people don`t like to read so many terms and conditions and find themselves in a solution later. To avoid further legal complications, it is best to know all the clauses.

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