This standard describes the qualification requirements for active student positions that are made in the context of career-related or career appointments in competitive service. This standard does not apply to students who are employed on a term basis during summer vacation and who have not been appointed to a student program active in the competitive service described above. Combination of experience and education: Equivalent combinations of successful post-high school education and experience are also eligible. The combinations described below are the most typical for these posts, i.e. for grades GS-3 to GS-5. If the training is used to meet special experiential requirements, this training must include courses directly related to the job of the position. (If you have credited the training, prorate the number of hours of related courses required in relation to the total training to be used.) Candidates whose experience is used to meet the basic requirements under a provision of paragraph B or C may be eligible for grades above the entry level if that experience includes 1 year of professional experience. In such cases, work experience should be assessed to determine whether it is within the normal progression line at the appropriate level. For some occupations covered by this standard, 6 semester hours of specific courses are included in the training year that meets GS-3 requirements. The 6 semester hours allow subjects common to a wide range of study programs, for example subjects in mathematical, physical or biological sciences. This inclusion corresponds to the second part of the general experience description, that is, subjects demonstrate familiarity with the subject or processes of the broad field of the profession. At the GS-4 and higher levels, some of the training is usually directly related to the work of the position to be filled.

Examples of related courses can be found in each requirement of the position. However, organizations may require additional courses if they are considered more related to the position to be filled. However, “General Requirements” fall under CSI number, MasterFormat 01 00 00 and include summaries, prices/payments, administrative requirements, quality, temporary installations, product requirements, execution/completion requirements, performance requirements and lifecycle activities. Interns may be converted to a temporary, occupational, or professional appointment within 120 days of successful completion of all training and work experience requirements under 5 CFR 362.204. The required training must lead to an honours bachelor`s degree or one directly related to the field in which active students are trained in the workplace. The degree of specialization in this field must meet the specific educational requirements in the qualification standard for corresponding two-cycle interval places at the end of the program. This experience may have been acquired through administrative, professional, technical, investigative or other work. Experience in essential and relevant secretarial, clerical or other responsible activities may be qualified provided that it demonstrates the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) required to perform the duties of the position to be filled.

General clerical experience (writing and filing, routine process processing, record keeping or other non-specialized duties) is not recognized. Professional or craft experience corresponding to the position to be filled may be credited for certain positions. For GS-3 positions, determine the candidate`s total experience as a percentage of the 6 months of experience required for GS-3. Then determine the candidate`s training as a percentage of the training year that meets GS-3 requirements. Add the two percentages together. The overall percentage must be at least 100% to qualify a GS-3 candidate. This standard describes the qualification requirements for Schedule D, Internships under Pathways Programs Approved by Executive Order 13562 and applies to the clerical occupations listed below in the “Professional Coverage” section. Appointments of students who work in the competition department can be found in the Student Working for Competitive Service Positions qualification standard. Education: Completion of appropriate training such as continuing education programs, training acquired while serving in the armed forces, and government-sponsored development training programs are credited monthly, usually above the GS-5 level. This training meets general or specific experiential requirements, depending on applicability. The individual occupational requirements of some series do not provide for a combination of experience and training. Therefore, they do not contain the provisions of paragraph B.

The framework conditions range from pre-development to project management, which will accompany the project until its completion. Examples of framework conditions are available in all phases of construction: Unless specific study requirements are specified in paragraph A, the number of semester hours required to form a major is the amount determined by the college or university attended. If this number cannot be reached, 24 semester hours are considered equivalent to a major. The nature and quality of the required course must have been such that it would serve as a prerequisite for advanced study in the field or field. Related courses generally refer to courses that can be accepted as part of the major program. Undergraduate: Successful completion of a full 4-year degree in a field leading to a bachelor`s degree at an accredited college or university meets GS-5 requirements for many positions covered by this standard. Others have individual job requirements that stipulate that applicants must typically (1) have a specific course that meets the requirements of a major in a particular field(s), or (2) have at least 24 semester-hours of coursework in the identified areas. Courses in areas closely related to these areas may be accepted if they clearly provide candidates with the context of the knowledge and skills required to succeed in the job. A year of full-time study is defined as 30 semester hours or 45 quarters of an hour. Where general conditions are required for construction but are not part of the final product, the general requirements define the procedures that the GC must follow throughout construction, while general conditions are used to enable construction.

It is the responsibility of the general contractor to accept, protect and arrange incoming deliveries of materials and products to be used. A list of professional series covered by this qualification standard can be found below. Professional series marked with an asterisk have individual occupational requirements. The position is Pharmacy Assistant, GS-3. A candidate has 2 months of experience and 20 hours-semester of university. The candidate has 33% of the required experience and 67% of the required training. The candidate meets 100% of the overall requirements and is qualified for the position. Based on the MasterFormat breakdown, the general requirements are those that require special attention to properly elaborate and estimate all the details of the project.

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