State laws that require a neighbor to pay for an existing fence are almost never enforced in urban areas because of traditions, implicit agreements, and because most people probably don`t know about them. But the laws are there when someone wants to enforce them. In rural areas, where miles of fences may be involved, they are more often applied. Fencing is often carried out by legal companies. [2] Some fences maintain a seemingly legitimate “front” through which they can sell stolen goods. Depending on the type of stolen goods that a fence exchanges, “front-line stores” can be discount stores, second-hand stores, coin and gemstone stores, auction houses, flea markets, or car salvage courses. The degree of illegal activity in any “front-end” business differs from fence to fence. Fences often attempt to mix stolen property with legally acquired property, so that when the true source of the stolen property is discovered, they can plausibly deny any knowledge of these illegal activities. Thus, while the yard recovering a fence may consist primarily of stolen car parts, the second-hand business of another fence may consist primarily of second-hand goods purchased legally, with stolen property acting as a smaller but profitable secondary business.

The government is officially a pawnshop, and it also uses this legal activity to sell stolen goods. Sometimes, as in the case of an inscribed silver cup stolen by Moll, she melts metals so she won`t be caught reselling. In addition to receiving activities, he actively protects and supports many criminals and thieves to ensure a regular income for his activities. Two neighbours disagreed on the location of the border line. One of them went ahead and erected a fence where he believed he was within his legal rights. He erected the fence during the day and his neighbor dismantled it at night. The manufacturer tried again and the same thing happened. This ups and downs scenario was completed six times before neighbors went to court. The behaviour of these neighbours is all the more astonishing since it was not a conflict in the courtyard; Forty acres of land were involved, many, many fences. Most of the fences operated in their own town or village.

For example, in some satellite areas of the capital, military troops lived in or near ordinary people and had the opportunity to do illegal business with citizens. [21] There are different types of fences. One way to categorize fences is the type of goods they trade, such as jewelry, power tools, or electronics. Another way is their degree of involvement in the purchase and sale of stolen goods; For some, fencing is an occasional “side hustle and bustle”,” while for others, it`s an economic mainstay. At the lowest level, a hustler or drug dealer can sometimes accept stolen goods. At the highest level would be a fence whose main income comes from the purchase and sale of stolen items. Two levels of fences can be distinguished: the lower level of fences are those that buy stolen goods directly from thieves and burglars. On a higher level are the “master fences”, which do not deal with street thieves, but only other fences.

[3] Brothels also helped bandits hide and sell stolen goods, as the Ming Special Law exempted brothels from being held accountable “for the criminal acts of their customers.” [27] Although the government has required brothel owners to report suspicious activity, the lack of government enforcement, as well as the owners` motivation to earn additional income from fences, have made brothels brothels safe havens for bandits and gangs. Example: Stephanie runs a daycare in her home. The house is close to a busy street, and it fears for children who can easily climb its legal three-foot front fence. She asks the city for a deviation, a permit to allow a fence five meters high. The sign is attached, no one opposes it and the planning commission grants the gap. Stephanie builds her fence five meters high, legally. It was important for fences to maintain a positive relationship with their customers, especially their wealthier aristocratic customers. When some members of the local elites joined the fences, they not only protected the bandits to protect their own business interests, but they actively eliminated all potential threats to their illegal profits, even government officials.

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