How funny you are. Dictatorship?. When health is at stake, your rights to smoke, drink, dance, etc., etc. take a back seat. Dictatorship?. The dictatorship is the cuts in health care, the shameful expenses (see Zendal) when there are hospitals with entire floors, the non-renewal of health workers` contracts. The dictatorship has a character like Ayuso at the head of the ship. When the ship sinks, we will remember our painful decision. For adults over 50, anyone can get together to smoke hookah and have group conversations. In meetings that are somewhat reminiscent of those scenes in movies where the peace pipe was smoked. There have always been smoking bans in certain places and rooms, not only hookah, but also cigarettes and, in general, any other means of smoking tobacco or any of its derivatives. The Andalusian decree of reference is in particular Decree 150/2006 of 25 July 2006 (BOJA of 1.8.06; No.

147, p.11-13), which contains the following general indications on signage: “(a) The size shall not be less than A4. b) The text, written in black on a white background with a font of the commonly used font and with a font size of at least 16 points, indicates: the international sign “Non-smoker” in red, “Non-smoker” and “Law 28/2005, of 26 December, on sanitary measures against smoking and regulation of sales, the supply, consumption and advertising of tobacco products`. It should be remembered that the law sets out the minimum conditions, so that a certain institution (especially if it is public) may decide to increase the established minimum and extend the smoking ban to all sports facilities. The rules are clear. The Ministry of Health recalls that its use in public institutions is prohibited by the anti-smoking law “like any other device involving smoking”. But beyond that, the last health order of February 4 will be ratified, which has already ordered the previous measures imposed in view of the situation caused by Covid. When the text speaks of the ban on smoking on terraces, it extends this restriction to the use of “a tobacco inhalation device such as hookah, hookah or similar, both inside and outside the establishment”. Poster templates are available on this website that meet all requirements. These models include the visual identity of the Junta de Andalucía, as well as the reference to Law 42/2010, which extends Law 28/2005, but this does not mean that the use of the junta`s trademark is mandatory or that the signage is not valid if the legal reference is not the most recent; The most important reference text remains Law 28/2005. Each Autonomous Community has established its own rules to strengthen smoking bans, and doing so in prohibited places can result in a small penalty involving the payment of a fine in euros. Guide to quitting smoking: Quitting smoking is possible.

Download PDF (1,186 KB) This is a growing market and there are places where you can smoke hookah, as well as the use of this modality to smoke in some nightclubs. However, other sources in the industry warn that these practices represent a competitive advantage over those who comply with the law. “It`s as if smoking the tobacco of a lifetime is now allowed in some places. A lot of smokers would go there and might have a niche market that the rest of the locals wouldn`t have access to,” they say. According to Law 42/2010 on Measures against Smoking, it is forbidden to smoke in places of collective use (whether public or private) as long as they are not outside. Smoking is also prohibited, whether tobacco or related products, whether as part of exceptional outdoor mass activities or in the space reserved for the public during events. In addition, he points out that this type of smoking among boys often becomes “a means of transition to traditional tobacco”. According to him, there are currently two fundamental problems with hookahs: “The lack of vigilance made when using them indoors and the insufficient calculation of the risk posed by their consumption by young people”.

According to Law 42/2010 on Measures against Smoking, smoking is prohibited in places of collective use, as long as they are not outside. Therefore, smoking is generally prohibited in indoor pools, whether their property is public or private. “In centres or dependencies where there is a legal ban on smoking, posters announcing the prohibition of tobacco consumption must be posted when they enter a visible place (…) with the requirements required by the relevant regional regulations”. (Third additional provision of Law 42/2010 on measures against smoking). It should also be taken into account that the law prohibits smoking in “confined outdoor spaces with equipment or conditions specifically intended for the play and leisure of minors” (art. 7). Therefore, it is forbidden to smoke in the area of the swimming pools, which are specially demarcated for minors, even if they are outside. In Spain, there are penalties for those who violate the regulations of the smoking ban in rooms classified under the regulations. There are places that specialize in selling waterpipe smoking equipment, and the latest ones are catering companies that offer hookahs for events such as weddings, parties, and other celebrations. The approved document categorically prohibits smoking on public roads or outdoors if an interpersonal distance of at least 2 metres cannot be maintained. This measure also applies to the use of other tobacco inhalation devices, hookahs, hookahs or the like.

Second, it is “prohibited to sell or provide tobacco products and other products that imitate and induce them to smoke to persons under eighteen years of age” (section 3). In general, you can smoke hookah in outdoor spaces such as parks, as long as it`s not in children`s areas. However, due to the restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic, in the case of Spain, all municipalities have banned smoking in open spaces when it is not possible to maintain the minimum distance between people of two meters.

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