Conscientious objection to decriminalized abortion is the paradigmatic form of conscientious objection in the health care system and yet the subject of constant discussion, both in free conditions, in political bodies and in the public. It is still far from being a peaceful possession or a definitively recognized and specified right. In many places, opponents are suffering and will continue to suffer from the persistent harassment of some bureaucrats and also of their colleagues. “Sometimes it`s too ethically difficult because there`s a challenge with social and religious cultures. Some may say that professionals kill the baby. You can feel it when you interact with religion and society. (3, ID) Different health facilities offered abortion services in different ways. In public health centres, abortion was offered free of charge and was open from Monday to Friday. In NGO clinics, the price varied, with some poor women offering discounted abortions. They were also open from Monday to Friday. Hospitals also offered free abortion services, but women could request an abortion by going to the gynecological emergency room, which was open 24 hours a day.

There were usually one or two nurses working as abortion service providers, although in hospitals and NGO clinics, a doctor often worked with nurses to provide abortion services, or when encountering difficult cases such as second-trimester abortions that only doctors could perform. Typically, the head nurse or doctor assessed the woman`s suitability through a consultation during which he or she accepted or rejected her request for an abortion. Before the abortion was performed, the doctor or nurse and the woman who wanted to have a safe abortion signed a consent form. These are the basic contents of project law. The legislator himself cannot hide the enormous structural and theoretical weaknesses it contains. In order to maintain appearances and not to reveal the strong divergence that many of its novelties represent from the judgment of the Constitutional Court, we are dealing with an important organic law that has no preamble, that is, a law that does not want or cannot justify itself or establishes its relationship with the rest of the legal system. PIP: At least 1 million teenage girls in the United States get pregnant each year; 350,000 adolescent girls choose to end their pregnancies through abortion. Doctors who examine teenage girls usually find that their patients arrive quite late and that some teenage girls can carry their pregnancies to the end, while others request abortions until the 2nd trimester.

Abortion and a full-time pregnancy are procedures that involve extreme psychological stress. Many teenagers who go through one of the two procedures suffer from psychological depression. The stages of moral development of adolescents can be divided into 3 main categories: pre-conventional; conventional; or post-conventional. Pre-conventional behavior may consist of concern for the reactions of individuals who have power over the adolescent`s life; conventional behaviour may consist of the adolescent adapting to and adhering to social rules; And post-conventional behavior may consist of the young person`s wishes outweighing social expectations in their decision-making. The legal aspects of adolescent girls seeking abortions are governed by the “doctrine of small maturity”. Some abortions may be performed on adolescent girls without parental support; However, recent court decisions have provided for certain measures for “immature minors”. Recent debates on ethical and moral issues have revolved around the autonomy of the adolescent to make decisions himself and the rights of the fetus vis-à-vis the mother. Counselling is available to teens who do not know what decisions to make if they are unable to get support from their families. Instead of viewing abortion as an expression of women`s autonomy to decide their bodies, abortion has emerged in health workers` reports as a public health problem, as a means of preventing the extreme health-related dangers of unsafe abortions, preventing young and poor single women from giving birth, and allowing young women to give birth. complete their schooling. Other studies have shown how abortion service providers in African countries similarly justify their provision of abortion services with the important public health implications of reducing the lethal consequences of unsafe abortion [9].

For example, such as Harries et al. among nurses in South Africa who saw the potential socio-economic hardship a woman would face without an abortion as a sympathy factor in justifying abortions [29]. Table of participant characteristics. The table shows in more detail the characteristics of the study participants who give information about gender, occupation, years of work with abortion and religion. (DOCX 14 KB) Despite new restrictions on abortion, Roe and Casey`s fundamental principle – that the right to abortion is constitutionally protected – has been upheld. But that was about to change. Are 20-week-old fetuses sensitive? This claim is rejected by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which says it has no legitimate scientific information to support the claim that a 20-week-old fetus may experience pain. Other researchers believe that even if we don`t know when fetuses become sensitive, it could happen as early as 17 weeks. Utah was the first state to require doctors to give anesthesia to women who had an abortion after 20 weeks or later.

The law, which came into force in May 2016, would not apply to women who have to perform the abortions necessary to save their lives, nor in cases of rape or incest. An obstetrician-gynecologist from Utah who spends half a Saturday a month at an abortion clinic protested: “They are asking me to invent a procedure that requires no research. They want me to experiment with my patients. A semi-structured interview guide was used. To ensure that the questions were as relevant as possible to the context, adjustments were made to the guide during the fieldwork to include emerging issues. The majority of interviews were conducted by the first author (ME) in English. Focus group discussions and seven one-on-one interviews were conducted in Amharic by a research associate trained in qualitative methodology (with EM). Interviews took place in separate rooms of the health facility during breaks or after working hours.

At the request of participants, two interviews were conducted in a restaurant.

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