When you extract something, remove it from a larger set. You can extract a passage from a book or a liquid essence from a vanilla bean extract. Middle English, from the Latin extractus, passed partizip d`extrahere, de ex- + trahere to draw The glass was dripping with sugar water with mushroom extracts in the bowl, and the bees were crawling through a slide to get there. Mycologist Paul Stamets, for example, has shown that a mycelium extract can break down petroleum waste and germinate oyster mushrooms in its place. The benefits of being able to extract and store the most energy from the minimum number of calories far outweighed the risks. Sophia pays the $20,000 or more needed to extract and freeze many of her eggs. The following excerpt from the “Australasian” entitled “Smoking” refers to many literary smokers. The procedure they undergo to extract the eggs is intense and invasive, and there are no sexual kicks. She managed to get a promise of support from her employers.

He had been making these extracts for human consumption for several years – it was mainly these products that made Fungi Perfecti a multi-million dollar company. Humanitarian organizations had already withdrawn and French troops rushed to get out the 15 foreigners remaining in the city. The health benefits for me are real – anti-anxiety, anti-inflammation, et cetera – but it`s up to each person to determine how hemp extract and CBD can benefit them. The idea of “remove” or “remove” combines the abstract with extraction, which comes from Latin by combining trahere with the prefix ex-, which means “off” or “away from”. The extract forms a kind of mirror image of the abstract: more often used as a verb, but also as a noun and adjective. The adjective meaning “derived or descended” is now outdated, as is a meaning of the noun that overlapped with abstract, “Abstract.â Words have overlapped and separated in modern English, but it is easy to see that summary applies to something that has been summarized, and abstract means âextraht of a larger work.â Scientists were able to extract enough DNA from the roots, And they actually found the fossils of the virus. It is not easy to get information from the honourable senator. He and his team had shown that extracts of certain fungi can be used to significantly reduce bee mortality.

It can be applied directly to a suspected liquid or, better, to the essential extract. As for the last line of the excerpt, I have to leave it to a better Irish scholar than I can boast. Ex- means off, and when you extract, you get something out of something else. When listening to a complicated and lengthy story, it can be difficult to extract the really meaningful details. See the full excerpt from Boccaccio given and translated in the introduction; See p. 68 above. Educe, evoke, elicit, extract, extort the way to get something hidden, latent or restrained. Education involves the extraction of something potential or latent.

The educated order of chaos provokes involves a strong stimulus that arouses an emotion or interest or recalls an image or memory. A song that evokes warm memories usually involves some effort or ability to elicit an answer. Careful questioning of the coming out of the truth involves the use of force or pressure to obtain answers or information. Extract from him a confession Blackmail indicates a struggle or a struggle of someone who resists strongly. We trace the origins of the abstract to the combination of Latin roots, a prefix meaning “vonâ or âaway”, with the verb trahere, which means “to shoot” or “to draw”. The result was the Latin verb abstrahere, which meant “to forcibly remove” or “to move away.” His past participle abstractus had removed the meanings, “isolated”, “incorporeal”, and finally “summary”, the meanings that came from medieval Latin to English. Interestingly, the word changed from Latin to French, with competing spellings both abstract (closer to Latin) and abstract (which reflected the French form of abstrahere, abstract), the spelling preserved in modern French. This excerpt will provide a convenient statistical reference for questions concerning Liberia. Abstract is most often used as an adjective (âabstract ideas) and as a noun (âan abstract of the article), but its slightly less common use as a verb in English helps to clarify its Latin roots. The abstract verb is used to mean “to summarize”,” as in “the abstraction of a scientific article”.

This meaning is a pictorial derivation of the meanings of the verb “to delete” or “to separate”.

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