There are restrictions on the hours of work of people aged 14 or 15, as well as on the hours of work during the day they can work. During school hours, minors aged 14 or 15 may not work more than three hours on school days or 18 hours per week. During school holidays, these minors are allowed to work a maximum of 40 hours per week. On non-school days, up to eight hours can be worked. During school hours, work is prohibited between 19:00 and 07:00, but 14 and 15 year olds can work until 21:00 during the summer holidays (provided they are not at the summer school). Minors are in some cases subject to alternative minimum wage rates. For the first 90 days of employment, employers can pay miners a minimum wage of $4.25 per hour. In addition, in the case of apprentices, skilled student workers, and those working under a special DOL license, employers may be allowed to pay minors 85% of the minimum wage. Texas follows federal regulations for immigrants working in the United States and does not allow special privileges for undocumented or other immigrants outside of federal law.
Children under the age of 14 employed in the film or television industry may be eligible for a child actor or performer permit that allows them to work outside of authorized hours for other jobs. The child`s parent or guardian must apply for this exemption from the Texas Workforce Commission. As an alternative to a work permit, underage workers can use any document indicating their legal age, such as driver`s licenses and government ID cards, to obtain employment. Minors can access their legal documents online on their government`s website. The appeal should include a detailed overview of the work to be done, the working conditions and the number of hours the child would work. A letter from the employer detailing the work to be done should also be included in the call, as should a letter from a school official, such as a principal, indicating that the school is aware of and accepts the work exception. Minors are prohibited from working in certain industries and engaging in dangerous occupations. These occupations include roofing, excavation, coal mining, explosives making, and most other occupations that involve the operation of machinery. Miners in Texas can get full-time or seasonal employment, whether or not they have a work permit. At the federal level, child labor is regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Minors and students may also be subject to special labor regulations regarding minimum wage, meal and break times during work, etc. Texas allows minors 17 and older to work without restrictions on the number of hours worked. Texas child labor laws prohibit employers from employing children under the age of 18 in a sexually oriented business, as defined in TX code 243.002. Sexual businesses must keep records in their business that include copies of valid proof of identity for each employee and independent contractor working in their business. TX Code 51.016 Tip Pooling is legal under Texas law, and employers may require employee participation within certain limits. The employment of a person under the age of 18 requires compliance with certain labor laws called the Texas Child Labor Act. The purpose of the Act is not to prohibit or impede the employment of minors; On the contrary, child labour laws protect the safety and rights of minors in the workplace. Restrictions on night work set limits on the time at which a minor can legally work. If employees receive different rates of pay or regular bonuses/commissions, the average rate of pay must be calculated by adding up the amounts and dividing them by the total number of hours worked to arrive at this amount. Employment references, also known as work permits, are not required for minors to work under Texas law. Employers are always responsible for ensuring that they comply with all Texas restrictions and regulations on child labor.
Today, Texas labor laws protect not only the right to unionize, but also a worker`s right to refuse to join a union or pay union dues as a condition of employment. In Texas, the minimum working age is 14. Unlike some states, Texas does not require teen workers to obtain a child labor certificate or age certificate to work. A potential employer who wishes to do so can request an age certificate for all minors they employ, available from the Texas Workforce Commission. Proof of age, such as a birth certificate or passport, is required to obtain an age certificate, as is a recent photo of the applicant. Note that Texas makes an exception to maximum hours if FLSA does not apply and no interstate commerce is involved. In this case, 14- and 15-year-olds can work up to eight hours a day and 48 hours a week. The hours during which these hours can be worked will also be slightly extended.
Applicants seeking employment between the ages of 14 and 17 are subject to specific regulations limiting the number of hours minors are allowed to work in a week, between hours on a given day, and restrictions on work during school hours. As a general rule, no employee between the ages of 14 and 15 is allowed to work during school hours, no more than three hours a day during the school session, or more than 18 hours a week. During school hours, fourteen and fifteen-year-olds can work up to eight hours a day and up to 40 hours a week. Work performed by underage workers may only take place between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. during the school year. Between June 1 and Labour Day, working time restrictions are extended to allow work from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. No employer may employ 14- and 15-year-olds before 5:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. on a day on which school follows, or between midnight and 5:00 a.m.
on a day on which no school follows. Teenagers this age can serve food to customers, but they are not allowed to handle prepared meat or work in freezers or meat coolers. The Texas Workforce Commission`s Full List of Prohibited Occupations: Prohibited Jobs for 14- and 15-Year-Old Persons Due to the dangerousness or potentially dangerous or harmful effects of certain employment opportunities, Texas imposes various restrictions and prohibitions on the employment of young workers. Below is a list of jobs for teenagers between the ages of fourteen and fifteen: Workers between the ages of 14 and 15 are not allowed to use motor mowers or other cutting machines, but they can use vacuum cleaners and floor waxes for cleaning and maintenance work.