After all, she is the legal wife. Anyone who wanted to would go through her first because she recognized one. She is the legitimate wife. Nathan stood there for a while, wondering why Noah hated Jessica so much. Jessica was a beautiful and caring woman with all the qualities a man would want from a woman. Although she felt dizzy and tired throughout the kitchen and Debby couldn`t help but hate her master even more. He always seemed to abuse his wife, whom she considers nice and a kind person, not the spoiled boy of a friend he sometimes brought home. Noah walked into the office after making sure he was giving Jessica enough chores to keep her busy for the rest of the day. Since he hated to see her, she always irritated him and he couldn`t bear that everyone knew she was his wife. “Do you let yourself be? And why should I let you be? He scoffed, “You`re my wife, remember? You really wanted to be my wife, even though you got dirty and ruined my whole life! He said as he approached her. “Do you think you`re going to win? Just because your business succeeds doesn`t mean you`ll get everything.

Including Jaeho. I grabbed my arm back and pointed at her. But I can`t let them. And I`m sure Xavier won`t be able to do that either. In fact, I have already put my promise to my sister in my head and I intend to keep it as long as possible. And as long as it all ends. “In my room,” she replied without looking at him. “Didn`t your parents teach you that when you serve his meal to your husband, you should sit and watch him eat?” he snapped, but she didn`t say a word, which gave him a chance to make fun of her even more. “Oh, how could I forget the fact that they died?” “Noah, please, not today,” she pleaded, knowing he was trying to frustrate her. “Did I do anything wrong by asking you questions?” he scoffed. “Thank you, Debby, can you please serve me my food upstairs? I feel really tired,” Jessica said kindly after serving Noah. The party has officially begun.

One by one, guests and VIPs were introduced. “Thea, bring it, okay? You never know what`s going to happen while you`re there. Anyway, we have to start. Dad needs to rest early. She said with a meaningful look at me as she said goodbye. “WELCOME! AT THE GRAND BALL OF THE CHAN&YOUNG COMPANY! Thank you all for coming to this event. I hope you enjoy the party. The whole trip was peaceful for me and Xavier. Until we settle into our seats on the plane, we still don`t speak. And as always, there is still a great distance between where we were sitting. : Ahm. 📞 No. She will be free tomorrow and the day after.

What for? “Do you think Jaeho will be there?” Soyeong then asked that three of us fix our hair. I looked at her and sighed, “Not sure. Probably. I replied. She was sitting in her room and was afraid to go out. He was still at home and she couldn`t risk a collision with him now. Maybe if I were in a different situation, if Xavier and I were really in love, I would gladly accept the gift. “Damn, Noah! This girl is a rare pearl. Why do you treat them badly? Nathan asked angrily. “UGH!!!!” I screamed angrily as Jaeho walked away and left me.

It`s all Eunyoung`s fault! She should be dead. Because of her, my life is ruined! Ugh! “I was nearby,” Nathan replied evasively, and Noah looked at him suspiciously. When the party started, I headed to the food court to grab something to eat. Suddenly, I felt someone behind me. I turned around, and it was there. Yuna stands behind me. He looked at her with all the hatred he could muster before saying coldly, “The only thing you should do is get out of my house and my life! But you refused to do so, so we will both be unhappy. Now get up and make me breakfast! “And where the hell do you think you`re going? He asked. “I am sorry, monsieur, for having been busy preparing my mistress`s food,” she replied sullenly.

But no, our situation is different. Very different from normal couples there. “Yes, multitasking at its best.” A vacation, but work is life. I mean, I can`t just leave my homework at home when I have deadlines. The party has finally begun. Guests slowly gathered around the room dressed in their most elegant dresses and suits. Some have gone out, and others are already enjoying the night, talking and eating food. I smiled, “Your party looks good. I wondered how you made this party such a success,” she said. I smiled, “Well. Throwing a party is like building a business.

It takes determination, passion and patience. Well, I don`t think you have that. Because you`re not that passionate about your business. I said. She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me towards her. “Don`t worry, Xavier. Even if you don`t look at me, I won`t agree. Said what I thought. “I`m sorry, I felt a little tired,” she replied softly. Mrs.

Krystal is my sister`s manager. So she took care of my sister`s schedule. I was still shocked and surprised by what Eunyoung said. I realized how stupid I was. I sat on the floor and took my face with my hands. “Auntie, I don`t intend to dress Xavier. And even if I wore lingerie, he still wouldn`t be attracted to me. Because for him, the only attractive woman in his eyes is my sister. Jessica Allen, a poor orphan whose parents had died in a terrible car accident, grew up without her parents and it was really hard for her until she met Mrs. Taylor. Mrs.

Taylor decided to hire Jessica as a housekeeper for her son Noah, just to seduce him. Your son is in love with the daughter of the family`s worst enemy and the only way to stop him from his madness is to marry him off to another lady, even if it means acting against her will. Jessica finally managed to seduce him, and in the process, she fell madly in love with him, only to discover that he hated the mere thought that they were together and promised to make his life a misery no matter how much love she showed him. Finally, he gives her the divorce papers and forces her to sign them, after being content to make her suffer enough in his hands. But what happens when Jessica is about to give up on life and Noah`s best friend, Nathan, begins to take an interest in her? Take them to appointments while the divorce papers were still being processed! After signing the divorce papers, Noah found out how much he really fell in love with Jessica and how he wanted her back. He became a war thug between the two best friends, Nathan and Noah. What`s next? “And why, auntie? What was in those paper bags anyway? “Yes, sir,” Debby replied as she walked out of the kitchen where she had heard her, feeling sorry for her mistress. And the way he looked at me, I could tell that it was the eyes that said I should also protest against what Grandpa Ambrosis wanted. “Don`t worry, Debby, I`m fine, just give me my food and make sure you take yours too,” she urged. “Please, please, I don`t feel so good for an early morning exchange,” she says, sitting tired on her bed.

I was just wondering if I would bring this lingerie tomorrow or not. I don`t wear clothes like that. And I`m sure I wouldn`t dare to wear that in front of Xavier. But I can`t throw everything away. Because Aunt Amanda will definitely be very upset. Seriously, what should I do with it? Then suddenly an idea came. “Please, Noah, let my parents out of there,” she pleaded. “WHAT`S WRONG?” He asked, looking at both of us. A mess.


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